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Several website design firms will convince you that having a business website designed from a traditionally available template, or even in the worst scenario, just filling up space in the automated website software and say that it is just good building from scratch. Though it sounds nice in terms of saving money, it does not make any common sense.


When once get designed, a custom web design emphasizes the company’s overall strength and can turn your visitors into potential buyers. It can be a valuable tool for the economy in the current days. Not only, the custom website design is the main salesperson, or the PR representative, or your customer service agent, but it also acts as the prominent branding solution.


Here Are Some of the Top Reasons Why You Will Need To Have Custom Web Design for Your Business-


1. The Company Is Having An Unique Position In The Market


As your business is one of a kind and different from the lot, your website business should be the same. Otherwise, you are wasting the money spent on the branding by just getting a design from the available templates that look the same as others have. In this current scenario, your website is the most visible part of your business, and it acts as a platform that connects you with potential buyers. It reflects what you are, what your business is all about, and how you are working. Hence, considering all these, the custom website design is very crucial.


2. You Can Do Anything With The Custom Website Design


One of the biggest challenges faced by business owners who rely on the templates is that they cannot add new things or custom design the existing templates. But, while using custom website designing, you can do whatever you want with the design. In the case of traditional website designing, the features are limited. For example, if you want to have an eCommerce website for your business, you need to add various options and features on the site, which is not possible in templates. But, with the custom design, you can add as many features as your business needs.


3. Custom Website Design Gives You More Sales And ROI


The best part of custom website designing is giving you more sales, conversions, and ROI than the traditional template designs. You will prefer- a simple website that works fast and affordable but does not generate sales or one that costs a little bit more, but it will help you generate higher sales and ROI in the upcoming future.


4. Custom Website Design Is Difficult To Imitate

If you find that your business is successful over the internet, and the website is made from the traditional template, your competitor can easily copy the same. But with the custom website designing, it is really difficult for the competitor to imitate the design that your website has.

For a unique design, more conversions, more visitors, and high ROI, you should always opt for customization of the website. Various experts now prefer custom web design for their online platforms for better business benefits.


If you are one of them who need your custom website, consult the team from Digital Fitser, one of the trusted website design companies in Australia.

Having a well-built, professional website is the key to getting the edge over the competition, whether you are a small or large business owner. Today the internet has become the leading source for people to find information online. Most people rely on the internet today before making any buying decision.

Businesses without a professionally designed website have a risk of losing potential customers both online and offline.

These days, it is not uncommon for consumers to go through the company website before making any purchase. If your website does not seem professional, you will lose them in the first place.

Following are the reasons why using top-class website design and development services to create a website is beneficial to your brand.

Custom design

Working with a professional web design and development company means you get customised services. Their knowledgeable team will evaluate your business and products and develop a website design solution that fits your goals well.

Do you want to drive sales online? Are you after walk-in sales? Will you use the site for informational purposes only?
When you have answers to these questions, the website development company will advise you on the right solution that suits your needs best.

Visual properties

The way your site looks, navigates, the colours and graphics you use are very important to attract a visitor. Visitors will not pay attention to your site if you put the least effort and thought into these important elements. A professional web designer will make sure that your site’s colour, text, and navigation are designed to be user-friendly.

Latest technologies

With new technologies taking over the internet, new ways are there to attract visitors to your site. Hiring a professional web designer means you have peace of mind that the website is created using the latest technologies, ensuring optimal success.

SEO compliance

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is a tool used by professional web designers to have your website ranked high on the search engine. If search engines like Google is not able to find your website easily, you will lose potential customers eventually. This is why having an SEO optimised site is a must for businesses willing to draw customers’ attention online.

Webmaster services

Websites must have ongoing maintenance to make sure they are current and relevant to the industry. Technology is constantly changing, and for websites to remain relevant and successful, they must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and changes in purchasing behaviours. By using a professional web design and development service, your business benefits from their webmaster services, keeping your site updated and fresh to the current market.

All in all, professional website creation is cost-effective and easily accessible. Whether you want to create a website for your new business, or looking forward to having a remodel, consider working with a leading web design company like Digital Fitser. Please go through our site to learn more about our services.

It is not surprising that custom web designs play an essential role in making a website popular and attracting increased traffic flow. One of the crucial factors which have prompted many to think about having the best business websites is the existing economic conditions in the world. In a modern-day competitive world, the survival of an online business largely depends on a global web presence.

Only having creative, informative and unique web content is no guarantee to your business success. According to a recent online survey, it has been seen that despite taking all these measures, your website might not even find the targeted customers. In order words, this critical survey finding has prompted many to take measures such as getting custom web design for their website.

The same survey found that usability and appearance of web pages play a vital role in determining user engagement. Almost every company and business enterprise feels a need to have an excellent online presence has led to numerous website design services agencies’ mushrooming.

Role of a web design company

The role of website design services companies is praiseworthy, mainly because it helps establish a unique identity to your business website. These are the services that are technical since there are many intricacies involved with the designing arena. Therefore, opting for companies working in the web-designing industry is a prudent practice. They have the requisite expertise and ensure you reach your target audiences without any hiccups. Professional web designers are well versed in the tricks. As a result, they incorporate the functionalities and features necessary for your business’s growth.

Custom Web Designs Are Affordable and Effective

It is interesting to see how an option that becomes very affordable can find instant popularity. This is the case with custom web design. A large number of these users comprise small business owners. There are specific reasons why custom web design can serve as the perfect marketing tool. Experts of this industry recommended that if you make a clever design and properly manage it, this would work as a 24/7 marketing department for your business.

A significant number of web design firms have shown an increased desire to opt for custom website designs. These firms contend that it allows them to choose not just the aesthetic aspects but functionalities associated with websites. It has been found that while the templates give you the liberty to determine the layout, visual aspects and color schemes, the customized option benefits due to the existing functionalities. The functionality comes to light, especially in instances where it pertains to large corporate identity.

According to a recently concluded online market survey conducted by a leading web design firm, the survey has thrown some light on specific interesting facts. For instance, several open sources of Content Management Software provide a helping hand to these firms during the building of a website. When you decide to take the services of these service providers, it gives you liberty in choosing a firm that has the actual specialization in the field of customized web designing. This way, you can reduce the chances of encountering a situation where your website resembles another one. These firms avoid the occurrence of such a situation just by incorporating the designing needs of the clients.

Whether it is a small firm or an established company, the digital transformation is the need of the hour for businesses. Nowadays, businesses are spending more and more resources and money on custom software development to ensure a fast and hassle-free workflow as they can switch the operations to the virtual work stations.

For example, companies offering custom software in Melbourne have become an inseparable part of business growth stories. As technological advancements are common, several intelligence interfaces and cognitive capabilities transform the business into something unimaginable.

Even custom software development solutions are being accepted by technological leaders and companies from all sectors worldwide. In today’s sinking economy, software development companies Digital Fitser are now helping businesses restart, revamp, and rebuild what they are lagging in custom web and mobile app solutions.

What Do You Understand by Custom Software Development?

Custom software development is the best type of response for both the developers and the clients. Due to the pandemic, most of the companies are allowing the employees to work from home to reduce physical interactions. Such companies are making use of custom software that is tailored as per the use of the employees. The remote software tools are developed to meet the workplace requirements and maintain a high level of privacy without affecting the normal workflow.

Custom software development involves designing software, development, implementation, management of the same using a specific group of users and functionalities. A custom software development agency first analyzes the business requirement and discusses the product requirement for developing customized, dynamic, scalable, and affordable software. The app developed in such a manner meets the needs of the clients and the organization too.

The new normal is making it quite stressful for companies to stay on top of the competition, so they rely on custom software rather than traditional tools. Thanks to these personalized software solutions, work has become quite easier, and businesses can now take a step ahead to achieve success.

What Is the Difference Between Custom Software and Commercial Software?

The custom software is designed and developed to adapt to the changing demand in the market. These applications help businesses to adjust to the latest trends and technologies. On the other hand, the commercially available software is pre-packaged and is purchased by the enterprises to carry out tasks. The custom applications help businesses retain only the features they want to use, supporting the business’s scalability in the upcoming future.

Why Do Businesses Need Custom Software Solutions?

These applications are one of the best ways for businesses to survive in this competitive environment. Additionally, the custom software ensures that your data is secured and remains confidential as there is a high risk of data theft all the time. Custom software is more used in-house due to its privacy, security, and reliability.

Benefits of Custom Software Tools-

  1. Helps in improving efficiency in the business
  2. High level of scalability
  3. Profitability
  4. Reducing integration expenses

Hence, it is clear that custom software in Melbourne or other places is important for the companies to stay ahead in the game.

Though the initial cost of developing a custom app is more, it will surely bring a remarkably higher ROI. If you are looking for a business that offers custom software, you can take help from an experienced and reliable company like Digital Fitser.

If you check, WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal are the three dominant and most popular CMS platforms that are used by businesses worldwide. Among these three, WordPress is said to be the most popular and easiest platform used by both the front-end and back-end developers. However, the programmers generally prefer Joomla and Drupal CMS. Suppose you want to pick a reliable website design and development company that provides website design and development services. In that case, you should choose the one that is well-equipped with the necessary skills and resources in these particular fields.

These three CMSs are good enough with the associated add-on extensions and plugins. However, if you are an owner of a company and planning to build a website with the best CMS, you should do comprehensive research first and then make your decision.

Check The Effectiveness to Meet Your Needs

The choice of the platform does vary from one business to another. If you have a small business, then WordPress is the best choice for you. On the other hand, if you have a large business, Drupal is the best option. Each one of these platforms is useful in its way with specific features, but the selection of the CMS depends upon business needs and budget. If you are only considering content management, all these platforms are best, and if you are solely talking about the blog, WordPress is the most preferred. On the other hand, if you are not having any issue with budget and functionality, you can choose Drupal. If you are looking for high-end features and plugins, then you can blindly trust Joomla completely.

For Experts Who Do Back-End Customization

Whenever you start your own business and plan to have your website, you should know the pros and cons of every platform, along with its back-end features. For any technical coding and website development task, you can choose Drupal as it provides you with the option of flexibility. Though this platform is a little bit affordable, you can easily manage your website as it can be structured easily. You will get high traffic too.

WordPress has also made a good place in the developers’ minds with the latest themes and plugins added. It also comes with high-end features and usability, and this is why developers from all around the world are choosing WordPress for website development.

From the SEO point of view, both WordPress and Drupal are great. The former has its SEO architecture, which is out of the box compared to the other platforms. At the same time, WordPress and Joomla have extensions that bring out traffic easily. So, before choosing a website design and development service, you must know which CMS to choose.

To conclude, both these platforms have their benefits. However, it is always suggested to consult with the developer from an experienced company like Digital Fitser, who will suggest you the best CMS as per your business needs.

Making a new website is something that requires definite planning and decision-making. Suppose you have decided to take your business to the next level by making a new website; now, what is the next step? One of the major decisions to make is deciding whether you want to make a customized website or make it on the readymade WordPress website.

Several companies nowadays choose to use the WordPress theme as it is easy to use, and there is no need to hire a website designer for writing the codes. But custom web design allows you to make your site as per your choice and budget. Which is the best option- WordPress or Custom website? This article will know the pros and cons of both WordPress website design and custom website designing. It will provide you with an idea about which will be best for your business.


The custom websites are made when the website owner needs to have specific modifications that WordPress cannot provide. These websites are developed for large and complicated sites having unique features and characteristics. To make this type of website, you should hire a website designer specialized in making custom websites. These experts use programming language and different frameworks for creating the website. Some of the languages used are PHP, JavaScript, ASP, Python, and Ruby.

Benefits of Having Custom Website Design-

  1. By developing your custom website, you can integrate various functionalities that are not possible with WordPress.
  2. A custom website is more SEO-friendly as compared to the ones that are made on a WordPress theme.
  3. The custom website can incorporate the branding of the company that is unique and different from the rest. It will make your business stand out amongst the rest.
  4. You can make changes on the custom website depending upon your business’s future changes and implementations.
  5. A custom website supports readymade templates and graphics.

Disadvantages Of Using A Custom Website

As the custom websites are built from scratch, they are expensive compared to the ones made with normal traditional WordPress themes. As these sites are customized as per the business requirement, it takes a much longer time for development and designing.


WordPress is a free website building platform that is mainly useful for creating blogs. Over the last several years, this platform has become more complex and useful in making various websites. One of the crucial reasons to use WordPress for designing a website is that anyone can make a website with the help of this platform. You do not have to write codes and do not have to know any programming language for creating the website. Creating any website on WordPress is time-saving and cost-effective. The CMS is already developed, and thus you can focus on the content and design. WordPress has several readymade themes for designing a website as per the needs.

But, disadvantage with WordPress is that it gets hacked easily. It is also difficult to customize any theme as per your choice. Hence, if you want to stand out from the crowd with a unique website, choose a custom website. Want to design a website? You can consult an experienced website designing team from Digital Fitser for any requirements on custom web design in Australia. This agency is one of the most trusted and experienced name specializing in digital marketing, website design, and paid marketing.

Web development is changing its strategy daily in this highly competitive scenario. The business are getting ready by using the latest technologies to reinvent their websites According to a latest report, PHP has become more popular across web development platforms due to its simplicity and reliability. With the latest technologies, businesses implement new ideas for enhancing the customer’s engagement and interaction.

In the recent times, technologies have come with several latest variations. It has helped professionals offering web development services in Australia to recognize the importance of up-to-date technologies and modern website designs to bring about long-term results. To stay ahead of the competitors, it is crucial to use your online business’s latest web development technologies.

Here are some latest PHP Development Trends to witness in the year 2021-

  • Invention of The Progressive Apps

When times come to build reliable, user-friendly and fast apps and websites, progressive web apps are the best options to choose from. Besides, most of the brands and successful businesses are switching the websites to progressive apps, and they have noticed a huge change in their customer feedbacks, conversions and sales. Some of the best reasons to choose progressive web apps are that they are swift, can work offline and are highly secured.

  • Have Push Notifications For Customers

In the earlier days, the notifications were limited only to mobile phones, but now they have become a part of the website. Almost all the business owners are using the websites to notify the customers about the product and service, offers and discounts with push notifications. With such notifications, the reliability, usability and accessibility factors are improved for each business website.

  • Introduction Of Single Page Web Apps

This year, almost all web development companies are focusing on single-page websites and applications built with advanced JavaScript frameworks like Angular. From the name suggests, it is a single page website where you do not have to do any navigation, scroll the deep menu, and browse anything in detail. This type of web development platform works for both mobiles and desktops. These websites are becoming a perfect choice due to the simplicity and speed that every user want when scrolling the website.

  • AI and VR (Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality)

When it comes to search on the next level, AI and VR come in the first position. With the invention of these two technological advancements, web development is no more an exception to target a market. Due to the super-fast growing rate of VR and AI, almost all the top businesses are using them for promoting products and services to get a valuable audience.

  • Practically Headless Development

Headless is the software architecture that performs directly without the need for front-end development. Here, both front-end and back-end combines to boost up the underperforming locations on websites with the custom structure.

Apart from these, some of the other PHP trends in 2021 include Cloud Integration, Cybersecurity, User-Interface, Chatbots, etc. You can hire experts from a reliable and experienced company like Digital Fitser Australia for the best web development services.

Much like the mobile technology that comes now and then, the iPhone mobile development trends have some importance. The total number of iOS apps today is about 2 million marks. It has become the rule for the developers to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and strategies for iPhone app development in Australia and other parts of the globe.

As per the current data, there are about 4 million app users today. From the user’s point of view, the apps list is the list that is present in their phones to fulfil their purposes when they are in need, but from the developer point of view, the more number of apps in the app store, the more they have to keep a tab of the upcoming happenings. This blog is dedicated to offering a list of the latest app development trends that you can witness in 2021-

  • Enhanced Security Protocols

The security protocol is the primary or main objective of any mobile application. Everyone is well aware of the security algorithm of Apple. The hard-core security layer and the uncompromising policies will not allow anyone to breach the Apple devices. But with the increased level of hacking, a single error can create huge havoc in the process.

  • Core Machine Learning

For the Apple app developers, core machine learning is considered a great tool. Apple does the machine-learning framework, and it does exceptional tasks that include QuickType, Siri and Camera. If a robust library is added, the Core ML integration provides communication capabilities to iOS devices. The core machine learning is the foundation for domain-specific functionalities. Here in the feature, there is user data privacy that is additionally added to provide more security.

  • Apple Pay Has Become More User-Friendly

The term “user friendly” is not just the keyword for the iOS app developers but also the Android app developers. It is a concern for all the developers who are developing apps for people around the globe. In the iOS periphery, the user-friendliness will hit Apple Pay in this particular year. So, what do you mean by the user-friendliness for the users?

To say further, making the payments smoothly means that the app allows a more secured, easier and reliable source of payment for the users around. As per the current stats, Apple Pay has grown largely with a considerable 500% hike in the users’ overall transactions globally.

  • Augmented Reality and ATK

Augmented reality is very important for developers worldwide. However, for the iOS platform, the focus is being shifted to the ARKIt after iOS 11. The ARKit help the developers to have 3D and virtual-based mobile applications for the app users. Viewing all the things through the virtual system is a new way for the clients to perceive better the business that Apple has already done with the implementation of ArkIt in the app development process.

  • Swift Programming

The next in the list of iOS development is ‘Swift’. It is said to be Apple’s official language and the programming language for making several iOS apps. It has helped various iOS developers create some of the best apps and change their dreams to reality. As, per the latest data, there are some thousands of apps written in Swift that are available on the Apple App Store.

These are the 5 top most popular iOS app development trends in 2021. If you are having a business and want to develop iOS apps, you can consult the app developers from Digital Fitser for the best services at reasonable packages for clients.

Today, web presence is critical for every business that wants to stay in the competition. It is the best place to showcase one’s services and products before the customers. Customers explore the site to find out about the products and services they seek themselves. In such scenarios, the best way to get the customer’s attention is to custom design your website, keeping in mind the customers’ interests.

Even though it is easy to launch a website with pre-configured sites or cookie-cutter templates, it is essential to consider building a custom website. It cannot be ignored that the brand is unique to the business, and every proprietor wants to showcase their brand via custom design elements through their site. In contemporary times, most companies hire custom web design in Australia because they want a custom design website for their business. In actuality, a business can experience many benefits when they have custom designed website.

The professionalism of a business

It is easy to find out the difference between a common website design and a custom-made design. The most visible factor is the professionalism that draws the line between the two. Moreover, a custom-designed website generates more conversion than a standard website design. Also, it cannot be denied that a custom website has more credibility than a website made of the template. It is a significant factor when products are sold from a site.

Rank Better On Search Engines

It should be understood that a free website never helps in maximizing search engine optimization. On the other hand, business with a custom website is those with the particular details which can be worked into the back end. In other words, SEO will be done along with the framework that will help improve the website’s rank. Moreover, a template site fails to compete in the sea of custom-design websites. A custom-design website also aims at the front-end SEO of each page, such as keyword-rich content, which has high value to the Google algorithm.

Stand out in the competition

It needs to be understood that using a template to make a business website means it will look like many other websites in the digital world. However, a custom website offers the chance to make a unique design according to the services and products of a business. It attracts the target audience more because they love a business with its own identity, that is, the brand identity of a company. Furthermore, it allows you to make things simpler and convenient for your customers to access the products and services you are selling to your customers. In other words, the independent functionality of the website allows making changes to improve customer engagement.

Overall, the above-given advantages are just a few of many other benefits of custom-design a website. However, one should check the company’s reputation before hiring them to build a website for your business.

We all know that Android is the most demanding mobile operating system that has an 85% market share. More than 4 million applications present on the Google Play Store belong to the Android platform, ranging from simple daily tools like calendars, social media applications, complex games, and web browsers to mobile enterprise applications.


When the times come to the building of a mobile application, the Android operating system always gets more attention than the rest in the list. The android applications are user-friendly and always lead the app industry in the upcoming years. With the delivery of products and services and the increasing popularity, the Android app development service is growing fast with the latest trends and challenges.


Experts working in the companies that offer android app development in Australia and other parts of the world stay up-to-date with the latest trends to strategize the plans to bring the growth of the business. In this article, you will know some of the latest android app development trends of 2021.

  • Android Instant Applications


The instant apps are already common in the Android app platform; however, they are still very popular. These apps generally permit users to try the games or applications without installing the same in the device. They prevent the users from downloading the app and using the web faster, and using them directly without installing the same.


This technology furthers eCommerce businesses and games business. These instant apps do not take extra space in smart devices’ memory and reduce unwanted system interruption. These apps have amazing UL/UX design, higher compatibility and more storage space in the Android gadgets.

  • The Multiplatform Development Or Flutter


Flutter is a new technology introduced by Google, and it is the future of android app development. This framework allows app development by using the native interface for platforms like iOS and Android. Several developers choose the platform to make mobile apps as this platform is highly compatible and flexible. Some of the major reasons to choose Flutter are-


  • Native design
  • MVP development
  • Easy to learn and usable feature

As the mobile app developers combine this platform into the app development process, this makes the technology one of the latest trends in the Android app platform. Some applications like Refectly, Google Ads and Alibaba are developed with Flutter.

  • APM and EMM

Application Performance Management or APM and Enterprise Mobile Management or EMM are important elements of the enterprise mobile app development section. These technologies are used for utilizing and improving mobile app speed. With the growth of app development, these two have become the testers for mobile apps’ quality.

  • 5G Technology


As compared to the 4G networks, the 5G technology is considered the fastest network provider. it has high radio frequency and a speed of 100 GBPS, 5G technology reaches the higher superiority of data transmission and transfer using 1.4 billion mobile gadgets globally. You have to create feature-rich applications that use 5G for improving business performance.

  • Kotlin Multiplatform


In the current days, the Kotlin application provides the developers with unique feature- multiplatform projects used as the replacement for Flutter. It is an experimental feature accessible in Kotlin 1.2 and 1.3, but it is also predicted to become one of the most popular applications in the upcoming years.


You can witness these five most popular android app development trends in the year 2021. For better support and process help, you can take help from an expert working in Digital Fitser, one of the leading companies that provide various online marketing services.

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