The worst fear of most app developers is the users uninstalling the app after using it once. You might have got the best app developed by a company that offers iOS app development service. your app might also be getting a good number of downloads on the App Store, but does it ensure that your customers are using it continuously?

A recent survey made by GoodFirms confirmed that around 60% of people uninstall the apps after using it just once or after a while. This data is scary. Apps are built keeping in mind a specific business vision so that the businesses can benefit from them persistently for a long time. This high rate of uninstallation compels app developers and business owners to identify the reasons for app uninstallation. Here are the major reasons why your app gets uninstalled soon.

Users No Longer Need The App

Often, users tend to uninstall the apps they are no longer using. Whether it is a food delivery app or a fitness app, if they are not using it anymore, they uninstall. When users need a particular service , only then they install the app and use it. However, when they realize that they do not need it further, they uninstall it from the phone to free up space. How can you prevent this? You should keep on updating the app with new features so that the users think twice before uninstalling. If the user finds something new in the app, he or she will not uninstall it.

Time-Consuming And Addictive To Life

Some apps are time-consuming and addictive, and when you want to get rid of them, you uninstall them from your phone. Initially, these apps seem too good, but slowly, users get bored and uninstall the same from the phone. So, for your iOS app development, your aim should be to develop an app that fulfills the user’s desire without letting the person feel bored or addicted. The idea should be to build a high quality app that is very engaging at the same time.

Untimely and unnecessary Push Notifications

Too many push notifications from the app sometimes irritate the users and make them uninstall the app. Most of the busy app users do not like the app that keeps on disturbing them all the time. So, always provide an option to the users to either want to see the notification or not. Users should have the option to disable the app notifications. It is always a good idea to get feedback from the users regarding the app’s functionality, push notifications, and messages.

Security Issues

One of the major reasons why the users uninstall the app is due to the same security issues. Once the app gets uninstalled due to security issues, the users will not install it again. Everyone wants to protect their data, and they uninstall the app if they find it unsafe or breaching their privacy. So, be sure that you develop an app with all necessary security provisions so that the users can use it without any worry. after developing the app and it is out on the Apple store, be sure to focus on the security features. The software should also have regular updates for covering security concerns.

These are some of the major reasons why the apps get uninstalled soon. If you want to build strong apps with utmost security standards that will guarantee success for your business , choose the app developers from Digital Fitser Australia.