Top 5 Android App Development Trends To Follow In 2021

We all know that Android is the most demanding mobile operating system that has an 85% market share. More than 4 million applications present on the Google Play Store belong to the Android platform, ranging from simple daily tools like calendars, social media applications, complex games, and web browsers to mobile enterprise applications.


When the times come to the building of a mobile application, the Android operating system always gets more attention than the rest in the list. The android applications are user-friendly and always lead the app industry in the upcoming years. With the delivery of products and services and the increasing popularity, the Android app development service is growing fast with the latest trends and challenges.


Experts working in the companies that offer android app development in Australia and other parts of the world stay up-to-date with the latest trends to strategize the plans to bring the growth of the business. In this article, you will know some of the latest android app development trends of 2021.

  • Android Instant Applications


The instant apps are already common in the Android app platform; however, they are still very popular. These apps generally permit users to try the games or applications without installing the same in the device. They prevent the users from downloading the app and using the web faster, and using them directly without installing the same.


This technology furthers eCommerce businesses and games business. These instant apps do not take extra space in smart devices’ memory and reduce unwanted system interruption. These apps have amazing UL/UX design, higher compatibility and more storage space in the Android gadgets.

  • The Multiplatform Development Or Flutter


Flutter is a new technology introduced by Google, and it is the future of android app development. This framework allows app development by using the native interface for platforms like iOS and Android. Several developers choose the platform to make mobile apps as this platform is highly compatible and flexible. Some of the major reasons to choose Flutter are-


  • Native design
  • MVP development
  • Easy to learn and usable feature

As the mobile app developers combine this platform into the app development process, this makes the technology one of the latest trends in the Android app platform. Some applications like Refectly, Google Ads and Alibaba are developed with Flutter.

  • APM and EMM

Application Performance Management or APM and Enterprise Mobile Management or EMM are important elements of the enterprise mobile app development section. These technologies are used for utilizing and improving mobile app speed. With the growth of app development, these two have become the testers for mobile apps’ quality.

  • 5G Technology


As compared to the 4G networks, the 5G technology is considered the fastest network provider. it has high radio frequency and a speed of 100 GBPS, 5G technology reaches the higher superiority of data transmission and transfer using 1.4 billion mobile gadgets globally. You have to create feature-rich applications that use 5G for improving business performance.

  • Kotlin Multiplatform


In the current days, the Kotlin application provides the developers with unique feature- multiplatform projects used as the replacement for Flutter. It is an experimental feature accessible in Kotlin 1.2 and 1.3, but it is also predicted to become one of the most popular applications in the upcoming years.


You can witness these five most popular android app development trends in the year 2021. For better support and process help, you can take help from an expert working in Digital Fitser, one of the leading companies that provide various online marketing services.